Supporting Sustainable Best Practices at EPA Facilities

Project Brief
The Challenge
A long-time champion of green building, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is committed to sustainability in its own infrastructure despite shrinking budgets and aging buildings. In 2001, EPA created its Sustainable Facilities Practices Branch to bring sustainable practices into the design, construction, renovation, and day-to-day operations of EPA facilities, which include over 10 million square feet of office and laboratory space across the United States. To accomplish its mission, SFPB needed support.
ERG's Solution
As SFPB’s mission support contractor since 2001, ERG has helped find cost-effective solutions across all aspects of sustainability—including energy efficiency, renewable energy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, water conservation, stormwater management, green building, recycling, environmental management systems, and climate resiliency. ERG technical, communications, and program development and evaluation specialists work with SFPB to implement sustainable best practices at EPA facilities and plan for and respond to emerging sustainability challenges. ERG’s support has helped EPA facilities across the country achieve remarkable results: 29 percent energy intensity reduction since 2003; 100 percent green power since 2006; 40 percent water use reduction since 2007; 38 percent of occupied square feet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design® (LEED) certified; and a 64 percent Agency-wide recycling rate.
ERG has helped EPA develop its Strategic Sustainable Performance Plan every year since 2010. ERG has also contributed to developing EPA’s Climate Adaptation Plan, Energy Strategy, Water Conservation Strategy, and Best Practice Lease Provisions for environmental design and operations. For new construction, major renovations, and lease acquisitions, our LEED Accredited Professionals review design and construction documents to ensure that sustainable features are incorporated.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency