Saving Water Through WaterSense

1.5 trillion gallons of water saved since 2006!

Project Brief

In 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched WaterSense, a partnership program that makes it easy for Americans to save water and protect the environment with products and programs identified with the WaterSense label. Starting in 2003, ERG supported EPA in envisioning and laying the groundwork for this program; we have continued as the Agency’s primary support contractor ever since. On the technical side, we research and write technically sound specifications for water-efficient products, develop and maintain a reliable product certification process, and publish best management practices for water use in commercial settings. On the partnership side, we actively support partner recruitment and recognition, strategic planning, and relationship management of partners and the public. We helped create and promote the WaterSense brand and we continue to spearhead compelling marketing and outreach campaigns to raise awareness of water efficiency and WaterSense-labeled products.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency