New Climate Assessment Provides Up-to-Date Climate Change Information to the People of New York State
ERG is proud to have served as the coordinator for the New York State Climate Impacts Assessment: Understanding and Preparing for Our Changing Climate in collaboration with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The assessment is a comprehensive research effort with the goal of understanding and documenting current and future impacts related to climate change across the state. Published on February 2, 2024, it includes peer-reviewed technical chapters on climate impacts and adaptation strategies, statewide future climate projections, case studies, and materials summarizing assessment findings in a short, user-friendly format. ERG is proud to have collaborated with NYSERDA and more than 250 contributors—including New Yorkers from universities, businesses, agencies, nonprofit organizations, urban, suburban, and Tribal communities, and every geographic region of the state—to develop the assessment’s technical content, website, and accompanying materials.
Visit the assessment website to learn more about climate change in New York State, as well as how the assessment will help provide decision-makers with information to build more resilient communities that protect all New Yorkers from the harmful impacts of climate change.