Linda Hills
Senior Environmental Engineer
As an environmental engineer living in Montana, I’m keenly aware of the value of preserving our nation’s natural resources and of my own part in helping to prevent the degradation of these irreplaceable assets. I work to ensure that wastewater is managed properly and that the water we drink is clean now and into the future.
Linda Hills is a drinking water and wastewater specialist with over 30 years of experience. Much of her career has focused in two areas: helping small communities achieve their public health and environmental protection goals, and supporting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in collecting and analyzing data about infrastructure needs for water, wastewater, stormwater, and nonpoint source control systems and reporting those needs to Congress to inform infrastructure funding decisions. Her experience includes 10 years working for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and over 20 years supporting EPA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and state drinking water programs as a consultant.
At ERG, she specializes in ensuring reliable, affordable, and safe drinking water and wastewater services across the nation and in helping provide access to grant and loan programs, with a frequent focus on small and disadvantaged communities. She also manages EPA’s Compliance Advisor Program, which provides technical and compliance assistance to hundreds of small communities challenged with maintaining compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act.
Linda holds a B.S. in agricultural engineering from Cornell University. She loves to travel with her husband and three children and enjoys rafting, camping, and hiking in her home state of Montana, throughout the west, and the world.